It has been a while since my last post, for which I had two very good reasons. Reason 1:
I did not go out to photograph a lot and when I did, weather and subjects were not willing to cooperate. So not a lot of new work to show. Reason 2: I spent quite a lot of time to revise the website. The design did not take a lot of time, but the (CSS) encoding did. It really gave me a headache, but I think it works fine now with all of the most used browsers.
Yesterdag evening, I finally found some time to go out. I went for the local Little Owl couple, but they seemed to have out-of-house obligations. Plan B was to shoot backlit images of Stonechats at sunset. But the birds never came close and the sun lost the battle against the incoming clouds. I drove home a bit disappointed, when all of a sudden I passed a small corridor in the forest where the sun could just peek through.
I rushed out of the car to find a suitable foreground subject to place against the setting orange bowl. This little flower was all I could find in the two minutes or so I had until the sun would disappear, but it was all I needed.
Sunset Flower; Canon 1D Mark III w. 150/2.8; 1/60s at F8 and ISO 200; Handheld