I have a serious confession to make: I like tits.
As this is a nature photography website, I hope I do not have to explain what kind of tits I mean.
Tits are cheerful little birds that can be found everywhere. Everyone knows the Great Tits and Blue Tits that visit about every single garden in town. But they come in a wider variety of sizes and colors.
The one thing they have in common is the chittery sound of their calls. Everytime I hear a tits call, I cannot help to smile.
My feeding station in the forest is visited by a large number of Great Tits, a duo of Blue Tits, a changing number of Crested Tits and two Willow Tits. Last weekend, a Coal Tit checked the surroundings of the feeding station for the first time. I expect its reservation for the Titty Inn anywhere soon. The only missing tit in this impressive line is the Marsh Tit. Although this species is known to happily visit feeders, the local forest is a very wet one, which they don’t like.
The next post will be about the Willow Tit, possibly and hopefully followed by one about the Coal Tit.
Blue Tit; Canon 1D Mark III w. 500/4 IS; 1/160s at F4 and ISO 400; Tripod from permanent hide.