Again a week that featured beautiful sunrises on the way to the office and a weekend that consists of grey and drab days. If there is a God an he likes nature photography, than I can only assume he does not like competition and he keeps all the good light to himself…
Anyway, I really wanted to go out and on days like these, the macro lens is my best friend. With overcast skies and a slight drizzle, small subjects are evenly lit without a lot of contrast and the tiny drops add interest to any close-up photograph.
I concentrated on several species of mosses that look their best in this season of the year. I found a small clump of Bristly Haircap (Polytrichum piliferum, Ruig Haarmos) and spent a good hour trying to create abstracts from the nice shapes and colors. After having taken the ‘regular’ images from a low angle (lying flat on the ground), I wanted to try something new and set up the tripod above the mosses. By adding extension tubes to the lens, I could focus even closer and got rid of the distracting elements on the ground below the moss.
Bristly Haircap; Canon 5D Mark II w. 150/2.8 and extension tubes; 1/6s at F2.8 and ISO200; tripod