For better weather conditions, I guess we’ll have to wait for the temperatures to drop. Some frost, fog and winter sunlight will completely change the look of any landscape. For now, it’s just way too warm.
Not only for landscape photography, but also for birds at the feeding station. I went to the forest restaurant to refill the feeders, when I found that the rains in combination with the high temperatures had made the seeds partly germinate. There was a very thick layer of muck on the feeder, which took about 15 minutes to get rid of. Inspite of the vegetarian menu, it was still very busy at the restaurant. A good sign!
Before heading back home, I spent some 30 minutes on a dewdrop covered spiderweb and got this rather abstract image. I like it a lot and am happy I got at least something interesting given the far from ideal conditions. Let’s see what next week will bring.