I, Marijn Heuts (1977), am a freelance nature photographer and writer. My photography took a serious start back in 2005 when I bought my first SLR camera. Since those first few exposures, developments went fast, both for technology and me.
What started as a hobby, has turned into a passion and lifestyle. I try to be out in nature whenever my schedule allows me or whenever I feel the urge to. Usually alone with my camera, but sometimes with my wife and two daughters.
To me, nature photography is the perfect trinity of creativity, peace of mind and a healthy workout outdoors.
As a true schizophrenic, I also love the cold, solitude and awe inspiring landscapes of the nordic countries, especially Norway and Iceland. I offer an annual winter landscape photo workshop to northern Norway, organised together with friend and top guide Floris Smeets.
I am an ambassador for Lanteos, distributor in the Netherlands for premium photography brands like Benro (tripods and filters), Sunwayfoto (ballheads, accessories), Shimoda (camera bags), Tenba (camera bags) and Laowa (specialty camera lenses).
Some of my work is managed and represented by Nature in Stock agency.
Most of my images of birds and mammals, except of course African species, are the result of many hours of observation and waiting in a tent, a hide or under a camouflage cover. Patience is a virtue that every nature photographer should possess. It would be naive to think the animal never knew I was there, but I try to keep my distance and not disturb the animal’s daily routines. Whenever I need to get closer than an animal would allow me, a remote release or even a camera trap is deployed.
You’ll not often find me at photographic hotspots where photographers flock together to photograph a bird or mammal that is easily approachable. It’s not that I do not like the company of other people, although I am some sort of introvert. I just prefer to work on species that are less visible and create photographs that are distinguishable from the mass that is created on a daily basis by so many. And also, I need my alone time, to clear my head and stay sane.
I post process all my images in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. To me, post processing is about optimising what is already there, to use the full potential of the raw data. That means global and local adjustments to light, contrast and color, and I might even remove some minor distracting elements from an image. Of course, like composing the image, post processing is also a matter of personal taste and interpretation. That is why nature photography, like all photography, is an art form in which the artist can express himself without compromises. How far you want to go as an artist, is different for everyone. To me, the final photograph should still be a truthful representation of an event that actually occurred in nature. Your mileage may vary.