Maybe I should visit a doctor, as since a few days, I have been experiencing this strange, itchy feeling in my righthand indexfinger that just does not want to go away. I tried a coolpack, insectbite medicine and even gave the finger a few days absolute rest. Nothing seems to help though. It even gets worse when I am processing backlog images on the computer or visit websites that are about nature photography.
I am slowly starting to get the feeling that I have entered nature photography rehab since I have become a father some 4 weeks ago.
The day Linde was born probably was also the day that the kingfisher chicks fled the nesting pipe. I am curious if the kingfisher pair have started a third brood for the year. Hopefully, this weekend I’ll find a spare moment to visit the site and check out the situation (and maybe take a few photographs). If they have started a new brood, activity should be high now. What also keeps my mind busy is how the fox cubs have done since they moved house. Have they survived the bushfire, are they still in the same area, how much have they grown? Questions, questions. In the near future, time for photography will surely be limited, but every now and then I will give way to the addiction. I’ll have to, in order to keep me sane!
Common Kingfisher male; Canon 1D Mark III w. 500/4 IS and 1.4x; 1/250s at F6.3 and ISO 800; tripod and camo cloth.