No time for photography last weekend, at least not actively. From September 19 – 26, Brabants Landschap organizes the ‘ Week van het Landschap’. This year based in the beautiful Herbertusbossen in Heeze, all kinds of activities take place to connect people with nature (conservation). Besides doing walks and bicycle routes, people can watch a forest harvester at work, kids can make nest boxes for tits and wrens, watch nature documentaries, listen to storytellers, gather their own meal in the forest and cook it on a bushfire and lots more.
There’s also a photo exhibition that features 27 of my photos, all taken in the direct surroundings of the location. The idea is to show visitors that one does not have to travel a long way to see beautiful landscapes and creatures. Reactions have been very positive so far and I enjoy the chat with the many people that share my passion for nature and photography. I’ll be there again next saturday to explain about the photos and how they were made.
Brabants Landschap also chose to use my photo of a jumping roe deer for all their promotion materials. It is featured on their website, in local newspapers, magazines and large posters that can be found about everywhere along main roads in our region. My participation does not earn me a single dime, but it is great to contribute to activities like this and watch kids enjoy themselves in nature. After all, they’ll have to take over from us one day when it comes to conserving nature.
More information abut the program can be found on the website of Brabants Landschap.