I think it’s fair enough to assume that King Winter is not coming to the Netherlands this year. Seems he is stuck in deep snow somewhere in Austria or the like, forgot his snowchains or just enjoys it over there. Good for him. We’ll have to do without snow and ice and whiteout conditions at least for a year. Too bad, as I, and a lot of other people, really look forward to, and enjoy, these few cold white days. Yesterday, we had a tiny hint of winter, as if King Winter reached out to us from his Alpine holiday resort. The heather at my new playground was frozen, a preciously thin layer of ice covered the only fen and a small bank of mist undecidedly moved back and forth across the area. Too bad the sky was bland, otherwise it would have been a perfect morning. When the rising sun peeked through the leafless trees, a few orange bands appeared in the mist. I quickly positioned myself so that the orange was most visible, to contrast with the blues of the frozen heather and birch that were still in full shade.
Frosty Birch; Canon 5D Mark III w. 70-200/2.8L IS II; 1/125s at F4 and ISO200; handheld