We all get to endure these days on which nothing seems to work, everything goes wrong and you just feel blue. Worst about it is you never know when such a day will present itself, it can happen anytime.
Male Moor Frogs have an easier life in that respect: the one thing they can be certain of is that they will feel (and look) blue for just a few consecutive days during the mating season. They turn blue, sing the blues, hopefully attract a female, produce their spawn in a mutual effort and then loose the blue color again. If they do not die in their viagra-blue state of happiness, that is.
As the colorful action only lasts for a few days, the timing being dependant on the weather, it is a game of chance (and endurance) to be on the right spot at the right time to witness the spectacle. I was fortunate to be invited by fellow VNFE photographer Wouter van den Hoogen to join him. He had done all the hard preparation work and took me to the right spot when the action peaked. I am glad I accepted the invitation, thanks Wouter.
Male Moor Frog; Canon 1D Mark III w. Tamron 90/2,8; 1/100s at F4 and ISO 400; Handheld