An unexpected (last?) return of King Winter yesterday. We woke up, glanced out of the window and were greeted by several centimeters of fresh snow, more of the photofriendly white stuff still coming down. Against popular belief, I returned to the warm bed. But only for a while. The last few days had seen me taking care of the three females in our household, all in several states of illness. Fortunately, our oldest daughter seemed to have beaten the flu and was happy to join dad on an outing to the snowy forest. Funny how kids and photographers have the exact same gut reaction to snow: childish joy! We dressed warm, put on the snowboots, got into the car and…never got out of the car. Well, actually we did for a few minutes. We had walked several meters in fresh snow when my little princess had enough of the heavy ploughing and wanted to be lifted and carried.
Now I may be crazy, but I am not a slave, so back to the car it was. We spent the next hour driving forest paths, enjoying the falling snow, looking for deer, boar and birds (never saw any) and singing self-made songs about snow, forest, deer, boar, birds and fox. Whenever I saw something worthwhile, I would open the window, shoot and quickly drive on. Like a contract killer. Not the ideal way to get those perfect, well thought-out compositions, but we had a very enjoyable morning together. Now I am done with winter. I still like how it looks and feels, but if it takes three ill women in the house to have a decent winter, I’ll be happy to head towards spring now. Could use some sun!
Winter trees; Canon 5D Mark III w. 70-200/2.8L IS II; 1/200s at F5.6 and ISO200; handheld from car