Spring is coming in, and it is coming in fast! The last few weeks had been grey and dull, but finally the sun is shining, colors are starting to take over the dullness and birds are preparing for the breeding season. Only the nights are still freezingly cold, but that means good chances for early morning fog and beautiful predawn colors in the sky.
For the first time in ages, I got out of bed very early to be in the right place when the sun would rise above the treeline along the local (former) fishingponds.
When the first warm rays of the sun hit the reeds, two Mute Swans came to investigate me and made for wonderful subjects. Whilst busy photographing them, I saw a black torpedo coming my way, and like spring it was coming in fast! I quickly turned the camera in the direction of the unknown flying object and pressed the shutterbutton like crazy. In the end I took eight shots of what turned out to be a Cormorant in breeding plumage that had decided to start a swimming routine right in front of me. This one has the best wing position, and although the horizon is not exactly what I would call straight, I think that makes the image even more dynamic. A good start to the spring season. Only one bummer: the big lens does not cooperate with the camera that well anymore and urgently needs a service check. Hopefully nothing serious!
Cormorant coming in; Canon 1D Mark III w. 500/4; 1/500s at F6.3 and ISO200; Tripod.