Now that the temperatures are dropping and natural food sources are becoming scarce, the feeding station attracts more and more hungry guests. Great Tits were the first to find the banquet feast, followed shortly by Nuthatches, Blue Tits and Robins. Two weeks later, Willow Tits checked the perimeters of the feeding area and are now regularly to be found on the seeds.
Last weekend, I was surprised to find several Crested Tits in the area. After having checked the restaurant area from a safe distance first, they now continuously visit the feeding station.
I really like their chittery calls (reminds me of spring) and bad hairdo. They are, however, notoriously difficult to photograph well as they hardly ever sit still for a split second. Even worse, last weekend skies were grey with little light on the forest floor. I had to work with ISO 800 and still only got 1/50s at F4. Talk about low light!
From next weekend on, temperatures may drop below zero. I’m eager to see what effect that will have on activity at the feeders. I’m expecting a few more species. And so does the local sparrowhawk. I’ve already seen it near the feeders several times now, but not yet within photographic range. But alas, winter’s still to come!
Crested Tit; Canon 1D Mark III w. 500/4 IS; 1/50s at F4 and ISO 800; Tripod from permanent hide.