Still looking for the best spots to shoot from when the heather finally gets in full bloom. As of now, only one out of twenty bushes has a hint of purply pink, the majority still features the dull browns we get to see most of the year. I looked back into the archives and found out that in my area the peak of the bloom tends to be around the end of August and the first week of September. So I’ll wait a bit longer, and use the extra time for some more scouting. A few days ago I found a viewpoint that I really like and will certainly get back to when the bloom is happening. No pink, no mist but one of the best skies I have ever laid eyes on. Or actually, one of the best skies that ever laid eyes on me. I hope one of these skies is able to synchronize with the heather in the near future. A man can dream, can’t he?
Leenderbos; Canon 5D Mark III w. 16-35/4L IS.