Typical Dutch winter weather. We get some snow, are allowed to enjoy it for a day, and then are punished hard for the enjoyment with several weeks of dark, windy and rainy weather. You gotta love it. The forecast for the coming fortnight is more gloominess and there literally is no light at the end of this cloudy tunnel. I am not even sure if there is an end to the tunnel at all. I think I’ll cling to results from the past: we all moaned about the non-photogenic weather during this time of the year last year and were compensated with a few days of real winter in February. Let’s see if King Winter knows how to copy/paste in Weathershop CS13.
I did venture out with the camera last weekend, but got nothing worthwhile. Sunrise on Saturday looked very promising with a clear horizon and high clouds coming in, ready to be set on fire by the rising sun. But 15 minutes later the high clouds decided to lower their altitude and the lights went out. And so did my motivation. I drove to a friends place and spent some time with a mixed flock of Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis, Putter) and Redpoll (Carduelis flammae, Barmsijs) that foraged on seeds in an areable field. Somehow, they did not want to dine at the right table and so most of the shots had the subject wholy or partly obscured by all kinds of vegetable material.
So above is a shot from last week, that one day with snow. While photographing Bramblings and Doves at a harvested cornfield, I saw two Roe Deer rapidly head for the forest edge. They were far away, but with the surroundings completely covered in snow and snow still falling down, the setting was perfect. I decided to underexpose this shot about 4 stops in postprocessing to match the current weather and give the idea of a pre-sunrise or post-sunset situation.
Roe Deer in snow; Canon 5D Mark III w. 500/4L IS; 1/1250s at F5.6 and ISO800; beanbag from vehicle